Friday, April 10, 2009

Springtime in Seattle

I fell in love with what I now know were cherry blossom trees in Portland. So when yesterday, I was trying to figure out what I should see next up here in Seattle, the answer became clear: I had to head to the quad.

Something happens to me on college campuses. It used to be anxiety. Now it's like "oh to be back there." Well kinda. I'd like to go to like one class. Not class after class after class and do homework about it. So I arrived on the campus of UW and started walking. I made several observations.

1. Despite declaring the other day that I was not a co-ed, not yet a cougar, I found myself attracted to more than a couple of these college guys. I tried to rationalize that the ones I thought were cute were most likely graduate students and nowhere near 20 years old.

2. Girls are bitchy. Walking behind them, listening to them talk. Ugh. Glad that time is over. I searched the crowd of passersby for a group I could have belonged in. I'm pretty sure I found one.

3. But I couldn't help but think that those guys, some of them at least, were going to end up with those bitchy girls and that really bugged me.

Then I found the cherry blossom trees. And nothing else mattered. Even under overcast skies. So beautiful. And I didn't care that everyone was probably like "what is that one white girl and Asian tourist group doing taking pictures all over the quad??" They walk by those trees every day, and I would guess ESPECIALLY on a cloudy day, just pass them by.

After my college experience, I met up with Jill for lunch at Six Arms. We got some tots. They were yum.

The sun was trying to peek out in places so I headed to another stop on KDL's list: Gas Works Park. It was on my way to Fremont. I walked around and enjoyed the view of downtown and all the metally things and the boats and I walked up to the very tip top of Kite hill, and while really wishing I randomly had a kite, I had a moment of zen. Just calm, quiet, do-what-I-want moment.

I was too ancy to sit and read the book I carried up, so I walked around some more and left. Walked around Fremont, remembered I can't buy anything, and went to talk to Lenin about it. (For those who are unfamiliar, there's a statue of him there.)

About that time, Heidi got off school, so we headed out for some vintage shopping...helped Nicole P take the Boss on a walk in Capitol Hill...and ended up at the Coastal Kitchen for dinner. I had the Tunisian-Prepared-Swordfish with another glass of Oregon Pinot Gris. Good, but not the one from 50 Plates...I need to look that one up.

Then we came home, made cookies, tried ANOTHER Pinot Gris, and watched "Yes Man."

That's when I decided that I think I'm ready to move on. Eastbound. Figure out what I'm on the road to figure out.

First stop: Snoqualamie Falls.

1 comment:

  1. Love your people watching- I always look for the group I would have hung with if I were there too. And trust me- they probably just thought you were in a photog class. A few of the guys probably even thought .... hmmmm I might give that class a try if all the girls are that attractive :)
    I'm living vicariously through you and falling in love with all these places too! you're good...
